
Educate and Inspire

We foster professional development of individuals and organisations through the provision of research-based, tailored
small group in-person or online facilitated workshops.

From Unconscious Bias to Conscious Inclusion

This workshop equips participants with an understanding of the formation and impact of various forms of biases on individuals and groups in the workplace.

Through immersive activities, vignettes and interactive case studies, participants are challenged to explore what conscious inclusion means in workplace practice. By engaging in facilitated dialogue, participants develop knowledge to create inclusive teams that cultivate a sense of belonging, meaningful engagement, and shared responsibility.

Safe and Respectful Workplaces

This workshop equips participants with practical skills to build more resilient and respectful workplaces that challenge harassment and exclusion.

Respect is fundamental to safe and healthy workplace cultures. As the foundation for equity and inclusion, organisations have a duty of care to provide safer workplaces free of bullying, sexual harassment, and discrimination. This requires that the workplace take action to ensure accountability and promote behaviour change. This workshop provides practical strategies to empower individuals and teams.

Cultivating Organisational Culture

This workshop introduces DEI concepts and increases awareness of workplace culture to help foster inclusion across teams and companywide.

Using collaborative and engaging activities, participants critically engage on workplace culture and how it develops and evolves through organisational values, expectations, and practices. Participants explore how to sustain inclusive cultures and foster a healthy, high-performance culture.

Workplace Anti-Racism and Allyship

This workshop introduces staff to what it means to see, challenge, and confront acts of racial microaggressions (whether overt or covert) and discrimination experienced by colleagues in the workplace. Through real-life case study scenarios, participants develop practical knowledge and skills to foster cultural safety and inclusion.

The workshop equips participants with the literacy and tools for engaging in powerful anti-racism conversations through effective allyship and upstander-ship to create safe, equitable and inclusive workplace cultures. Through this experience, participants are equipped with practical skills to address racism in the workplace to create a psychologically safe environment for all.

Addressing Microaggressions in the Workplace

This workshop introduces staff to the concept of microaggressions and their impact on individuals and groups in the workplace.

This workshop helps participants understand microaggressions and their impact on the receiver and the workplace. Through practical activities and vignettes, participants explore a range of behaviours to understand how microaggressions can appear in various workplace settings and how to address them to create a psychologically safe workplace for all.

Culturally Responsive Leadership

This workshop equips participants with the knowledge and skills to lead cross-cultural teams effectively. Leading effectively in cross-cultural environments requires leaders to adopt strategies that build team understanding and cohesion. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their leadership style and qualities while developing skills for effective team engagement.

Representative Marketing, Communication and Branding

This workshop equips participants with knowledge of the power of branding and representative messaging to attract diverse audiences.

Inclusive and representative marketing has the power to transform and maintain a brand’s reputation. Brands must understand diverse marketing strategies and avoid harmful attempts like tokenism. Participants develop the skills to engage and communicate effectively to diverse audiences to enhance visibility and branding.

Inclusive Recruitment and Hiring

This workshop equips participants with the knowledge to build diverse teams with enhanced abilities to be creative and innovative at work.

Inclusive recruitment is a core skill for managers, human resource leaders, and teams. Your ability to inclusively select and recruit talent directly impacts the quality and diversity of talent you attract to your company. Managers and human resource professionals need to understand the nuances of recruiting for cultural add to enhance employee engagement and retention of diverse talent.

Workplace Safety: Domestic Family Violence

This workshop is designed for managers and leaders to develop awareness of domestic and family violence and how to support staff who are directly and indirectly impacted.

The workshop equips leaders with knowledge of the prevalence and impact of domestic and family violence in the workplace. By exploring duty of care and workplace health and safety regulation, participants develop skills to recognise, respond and support staff impacted by domestic family violence in a safe and empathetic manner while addressing workplace safety risks.