We are excited to launch our brand new full day training workshop on Culturally Responsive Practice taking place in March!

Side note: There are also a few new workshops and some refreshing of previous workshops. At the moment all workshops are only delivered face to face but we will be launching online training soon so watch this space!

This workshop is designed to develop the skills of participants who wish to be more effective in cross-cultural engagements with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

As true to our style of training, this workshop will challenge participants and allow them to be immersed in a training experience that begins the journey towards deep personal and professional learning.

I’m really excited and looking forward to this! I will be sure to post after the workshop on how it all goes. If you are interested in learning more about culturally responsive practice, I came across this brief article written by Matthew Lynch published by the Huffpost which may be of interest to you (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/culturally-responsive-pedagogy_b_1147364). It explores the concept of cultural responsiveness in the context of catering to the diverse learning needs of children from diverse backgrounds.

If you do check out the article, don’t forget to share what your thoughts are below!

If you or someone you know is in Perth, Western Australia on 27th March 2020 and interested in attending the cultural responsiveness workshop, registration is via Eventbrite (http://eventbrite.com.au/e/89941725121).

Thank you for reading, till next time.
