Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Valuing diversity in the workplace means employing people from varied backgrounds and experiences to bring diverse skills, perspectives, and talents to generate creative solutions, ideation and increased profitability. Equity and Inclusion concern the act of creating an environment where every employee feels welcomed, supported, valued, respected, and equitably treated. This is reflected in both organisational policies and in practice.

Hiring people from various diverse backgrounds and valuing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace not only translates to better work culture, happier employees and more productive outcomes, but studies by McKinsey and Company have shown additional benefits. For example, a 2019 study showed “that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 25 percent more likely to have above-average profitability than companies in the fourth quartile.” “In the case of ethnic and cultural diversity, top-quartile companies outperformed those in the fourth one by 36 percent in profitability.”

The benefits of incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusionary practices into your workforce are real and backed by quantifiable research, proving the importance of investing early on in improving work culture and fostering inclusion.

Link to the research report is here.

A total company approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion means taking accountability across the organisation with a willingness to change from the top executive leadership to employees, contractors and volunteers. Change starts from within, and it is important it is translated across the company for it to be most effective.

A 2016 Harvard Business Review article found that “the problem with current D&I initiatives: not only do traditional diversity programs not work, but recent research shows that they can even have a negative effect on diversity outcomes.” Here at Diversity Focus, we do not take a traditional approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion (with tick-box exercises and once off trainings). The reason being is that, doing something for the sake of just doing is inauthentic, both to the people who work for you and your customers. Link to article here.

Rather, we collaborate closely with companies to tailor a focus; first on mindset shift and then on initiatives that instill companywide cultural change. Driven by research and transparency across the organisation, we collaborate with companies to critically examine and find goals and objectives. From there, we explore if and how the company wishes to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion among employees after looking at their own statistics. Change needs to be customised and relevant to each individual company.


Given that most of our staff come from research backgrounds, we place high value on data driven change and the importance of research-based initiatives and models of change. It is important to canvas the entire organisation for internal and external staff diversity demographics, to get buy-in for future initiatives and to assess level of knowledge of diversity, equity, and inclusion topics. This should be done before DEI initiatives take place.

Great question! All research involves written voluntary consent of each participant. Participants are ensured of confidentiality; anonymity and that the data will be aggregated across the entire organisation. No individual identifying demographics or other data points are shared with senior leadership or management. That is our commitment as an externalconsultancy, and we are clear in our standards and expectations before rolling out any research initiative.

All research data is password protected on our secure survey platform, only accessible to internal Diversity Focus research staff. The data is destroyed post engagement with each client.

We first aggregate all relevant data results so that no information reported is identifiable. We will then compile a research report that summarises both the diversity and inclusionary data. This report is presented by our research team to the client, and we supply recommendations for how and when to disseminate data to the wider organisation. The results of the research findings are then used to customise training specific to each company. This involves reviewing levels of knowledge as well as feedback from staff in terms of areas of learning and activities they would like to see employed.



Driven by individualised, built-in assessments, coaching aims to uncover strengths and gaps in executive leadership knowledge and skills. We tailor each engagement and work with the pace of individuals and groups on the journey to change and professional development. One-on-one coaching as well as small group leadership training is available and typically takes place over multiple sessions.


The theory of change model informs us that change involves re-enforceable learnings over time. As such, we recommend multiple sessions over at least four weeks. For the professional development to be effective, there must be a willingness from participants to engage in the process, change is not possible with resistance to learning. Often, resistance can be due to a lack of knowledge on what is involved and the personal and professional benefits of coaching. We supply a syllabus that provides a general overview of coaching and what participants can expect from each session. We also encourage you to ask questions for clarity. 


To be effective, change needs to be translated across the company. To do this, all members of an organisation’s workforce, including executive leadership, management, supervisors, employees, contactors and volunteers need to be engaged.

Come as you are! We provide all workshop materials for in-person sessions. You can bring a notebook and pen if you prefer but we also supply these. We also encourage an open mind and a willingness to learn and engage with others in the workshop. Our workshops are developed and delivered using adult learning principles. We use interactive activities, including individual reflection, pair-work and small group activities, to help build knowledge and skills. This requires participation and engagement to get the most out of the session.

All you need is a computer with reliable internet connection and web browser to join the online training using the link provided to you ahead of the workshop. We encourage you to close other browsers on your screen to minimise distractions. We also encourage you to find a physical space that allows you to listen and engage with minimal distractions. For example, if you are joining an online workshop from your place of work, it may be useful to find a quiet space with less traffic and distractions. 

Depending on the type of training (self-paced e-learning or workshop-style) you may be able to take the training at your own pace, over multiple sessions or in one sitting. Training is customised to the needs of your organisation and consider factors such as workshop length, and workshop topics.


Diversity, equity, and inclusion practices look different for every organisation. For some companies, diversity, equity, and inclusion fall under the human resources department’s scope, while at others, the company creates an independent department to manage the scope of DEI efforts by hiring a Chief Diversity Officer. Typically, medium to large companies have spent anywhere from $30,000 to $5.1m. These figures are according to a study by the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) measuring DEI expenditure. That said, surface level spending on training and initiatives does not generate impact or resonate with employees as genuine and meaningful.

Before deciding on a budget or spending resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, company leadership must first establish its goals and objectives (with or without the help of diversity and inclusion consulting services). Next, research must be employed to determine the company landscape as well as establish buy-in from staff themselves. By getting feedback from workers across the company directly, DEI initiatives can focus on what they want to see change and improve in company culture.

Training costs vary and are tiered based on the number of participants you are engaging and the length of the session. For smaller companies who prefer workshop style training, participant costs start at $180 per person. To receive a customised quote based on your specific workplace needs, complete the needs assessment here and a member of our team will be in contact with you soon.

We offer organisational training options for training multiple individuals and group discounts for 20 participants or more.